Map notes

The mapping uses the Google Map API. Basic map data are downloaded from Google, and this can be slow. To load in different LPS, press the refresh button on your browser (usually two circling arrows) or the F5 function key on your keyboard. The more points mapped, the slower and more problems, although 250 points have been mapped (the world's nuclear stations). If the map freezes, try zooming in or out. Otherwise refresh and start again.

Currently the mapping works in Opera, Internet Explorer and Firefox which may all be downloaded freely. If the mapping doesn't work at all, make sure JavaScript is supported by your browser and enabled (look at browser options) and try again.

Any queries or comments about the mapping to Mark Barrett at MarkBarrett@Mark


LPS emissions and health data

The map is based on work described in reports commissioned by The Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain (contact Christer Agren and may be downloaded at The LPS emissions are compiled by Mark Barrett (Mark Barrett at CompanyWebmaster ) and the health impacts by EMRC (Mike Holland at CompanyWebmaster ). Please contact one of these with queries, suggestions or corrections concerning the reports or data.

Nuclear power stations

Compiled by MarkBarrett@Mark

Possible enhancements